ZeekWeek 2021

October 13 – 15 , 2021

What is ZeekWeek?

The Zeek Project is delighted to announce the schedule for ZeekWeek 2021, which will be an online-only event taking place 13-15 October. ZeekWeek is free, though registration is requiredZeekWeek (formerly BroCon) is the most important community event for users, developers, incident responders, threat hunters and architects who rely on the open-source Zeek network security monitor as a critical element in their security stack.
Our three-day event will include training, two keynote speakers, 20 talks, and a CTF (Capture the Flag) exercise. More information about all talks can be found on the Zeek website.Haven’t been to a ZeekWeek event? Check out the 2019 and 2020 events. 
You can find out more about Zeek and how you can connect and get involved with the community on zeek.org.

ZeekWeek 2021 Capture the Flag Summary

As part of the most recent ZeekWeek event the Zeek Project Training Subgroup and the Corelight Labs Team made a capture the flag (CTF) competition available for attendees to play. The competition included 19 challenges of varying difficulties which involved tasks...