
In April 2021 Juniper networks reported on a new Linux rootkit designed to steal SSH credentials from Linux servers.  A month later Netlab 360 published a deeper analysis of the same rootkit they named “Facefish”.  Both reports provide enough information to implement a network-based detector with Zeek.  We will be implementing our detection algorithm through Zeek’s Spicy protocol analyzers (, so we recommend becoming familiar with and installing Spicy if you have not done so already.  Some prior Spicy documentation written by this author can be found at:

The Facefish C2 Protocol

Starting with “0x2: Introduction to C2 commands” in the Netlab 360 report explains the rootkit’s C2 network activity.  All C2 communication occurs over a raw TCP connection with the following message structure:

 struct facefish {
      WORD payload_len;  // payload length
      WORD cmd;          // command
      DWORD payload_crc; // payload crc      
      unsigned char payload[payload_len]; // payload

This is a structure we can easily represent in Spicy.  The commands (“cmd”) outlined in the report are:

  • 0x200 (512) – Key exchange #1.
  • 0x201 (513) – Key exchange #2.
  • 0x203 (514) – Key exchange #3.
  • 0x300 (768) – Report stolen information.
  • 0x301 (769) – Collect information and wait for further instructions.
  • 0x302 (770) – Reverse shell.
  • 0x305 (773) – Send registration information.
  • 0x310 (784) – Execute a system command.
  • 0x311 (785) – Return result of bash execution.
  • 0x312 (786) – Re-collect and report host information.

They also state that the first message will be from the rootkit to the C2 server with a command of 0x200.  This rootkit uses little endian byte layout, so that makes the first eight bytes:

00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00

We use this message to trigger our protocol analyzer through dynamic protocol detection (DPD) signatures.  In the following sections we sketch how the Spicy code comes together to detect this rootkit.

A Testing PCAP

A public PCAP of the Facefish rootkit did not exist at the time we wrote this Spicy analyzer.  In order to test our Spicy code we needed a PCAP with data that looks like Facefish traffic.  We created a PCAP with some simple command line utilities such as netcat, tcpdump, and echo.  First we set up a netcat listener with this command:

$ nc -l -p 9999

Next we open another terminal and start tcpdump:

# tcpdump -i en0 -s 0 -w facefish.pcap port 9999

Then, we send our generated key exchange message across the network in a third terminal:

echo -n -e \\x00\\x00\\x00\\x02\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00 | nc 9999

Now if we open our facefish.pcap, we see our generated key exchange message:

This PCAP can be found at:

The Spicy Source Code

You can find the source code in the following directory:

We begin by looking at the “dpd.sig” file:

This signature will look for the 0x200 command we described in the prior section and attach the Spicy “Facefish_Rootkit” protocol analyzer to the connection.  This protocol analyzer is defined in lines 3 and 4 from the “facefish_rootkit.evt” file:

Line 9 says any time a “FacefishRecord” is successfully parsed, generate the Zeek event “Facefish_Rootkit::facefish_rootkit_message”.  More on that record in the code listing below.  Line 4 above says that we will parse the TCP connection using “FacefishRecords”, which can be found in the file “facefish_rootkit.spicy” in lines 9-11 below:

Returning to the FacefishRecord, you can find it in lines 13-18 above.  This is the structure discussed in the Netlab 360 blog that begins with a payload_len, followed by a command, then a CRC32 of the payload, finished with the payload.  We place only two parsing constraints: 1) a command value must be between 0x200 and 0x312 for a successful parse, and 2) the payload must be payload_len bytes long.  You will note that the first key exchange packet (command 0x200) has a payload_len of zero, so the payload does not exist in that case.

The file “facefish_rootkit_zeek.spicy” tells Zeek to confirm the protocol on a successful parse andreject it on an error, and the file provides a function named “create_facefishmsg” we used in line 9 of “facefish_rootkit.evt”:

Lastly, we look at the “main.zeek” file’s export section:

Line 4 sets up the new “facefish_rootkit.log” file and line 5 sets up the new Notice type.  Lines 7-16 define the information inside a Facefish C2 message, while lines 18-33 set up the log output format.  Line 40 declares the facefish_rootkit_message event while line 44 declares the log event one can use to handle an output record before it is written.

Lines 47-65 of “main.zeek” create the log stream and log any Facefish messages to “facefish_rootkit.log”:

The file “consts.zeek” provides a lookup table to translate known numerical commands to strings, or to “unknown-command-#” with an unknown command number if it is not in the lookup table.  These mappings match the bullets listed in this blog previously:

Once spicy-analyzers is installed, you can see our new protocol analyzer with the following command:

$ zeek -NN _Zeek::Spicy

_Zeek::Spicy – Support for Spicy parsers (*.spicy, *.evt, *.hlto) (dynamic, version 1.1.1)

    [Analyzer] spicy_DHCP (ANALYZER_SPICY_DHCP, enabled)

    [Analyzer] spicy_DNS (ANALYZER_SPICY_DNS, enabled)

    [Analyzer] spicy_Facefish_Rootkit (ANALYZER_SPICY_FACEFISH_ROOTKIT, enabled)

    [Analyzer] spicy_HTTP (ANALYZER_SPICY_HTTP, enabled)

    [Analyzer] spicy_LDAP_TCP (ANALYZER_SPICY_LDAP_TCP, enabled)

    [Analyzer] spicy_OpenVPN_TCP (ANALYZER_SPICY_OPENVPN_TCP, enabled)

    [Analyzer] spicy_OpenVPN_TCP_HMAC (ANALYZER_SPICY_OPENVPN_TCP_HMAC, enabled)

    [Analyzer] spicy_OpenVPN_UDP (ANALYZER_SPICY_OPENVPN_UDP, enabled)

    [Analyzer] spicy_OpenVPN_UDP_HMAC (ANALYZER_SPICY_OPENVPN_UDP_HMAC, enabled)

    [File Analyzer] spicy_PE (ANALYZER_SPICY_PE)

    [File Analyzer] spicy_PNG (ANALYZER_SPICY_PNG)

    [Analyzer] spicy_TFTP (ANALYZER_SPICY_TFTP, enabled)

    [Analyzer] spicy_Wireguard (ANALYZER_SPICY_WIREGUARD, enabled)

    [File Analyzer] spicy_ZIP (ANALYZER_SPICY_ZIP)

    [Analyzer] spicy_ipsec_ike_udp (ANALYZER_SPICY_IPSEC_IKE_UDP, enabled)

    [Analyzer] spicy_ipsec_tcp (ANALYZER_SPICY_IPSEC_TCP, enabled)

    [Analyzer] spicy_ipsec_udp (ANALYZER_SPICY_IPSEC_UDP, enabled)

If we go back to the test PCAP we created earlier, we can run our new logic on it with the following command:

$ zeek -Cr facefish.pcap spicy-analyzers
$ cat conn.log 
#separator \x09
#set_separator ,
#empty_field (empty)
#unset_field -
#path conn
#open 2021-06-03-14-56-10#fields ts uid id.orig_h id.orig_p id.resp_h id.resp_p proto service duration orig_bytes resp_bytes conn_state local_orig local_resp missed_bytes history orig_pkts orig_ip_bytes resp_pkts resp_ip_bytes tunnel_parents
#types time string addr port addr port enum string interval count count string bool bool count string count count count count set[string]
1622568704.959537 Cl0TA53874aF7eiRL3 56740 9999 tcp spicy_facefish_rootkit 0.000183 8 0 SF - - 0 ShAaDFf 5 280 5 272 -
#close 2021-06-03-14-56-10
$ cat facefish_rootkit.log 
#separator \x09
#set_separator ,
#empty_field (empty)
#unset_field -
#path facefish_rootkit
#open 2021-06-03-14-56-10
#fields ts uid id.orig_h id.orig_p id.resp_h id.resp_p is_orig payload_len command crc32_payload
#types time string addr port addr port bool count string count
1622568704.959658 Cl0TA53874aF7eiRL3 56740 9999 T 0 KeyEx1 0
#close 2021-06-03-14-56-10

You can see that the “facefish_rootkit.log” contains the one message in our testing PCAP with the command of 512 “KeyEx1”, as expected.  We generated a Notice as well:

$ cat notice.log 
#separator \x09
#set_separator ,
#empty_field (empty)
#unset_field -
#path notice
#open 2021-06-03-14-56-10
#fields ts uid id.orig_h id.orig_p id.resp_h id.resp_p fuid file_mime_type file_desc proto note msg sub src dst p n peer_descr actions suppress_for remote_location.country_code remote_location.region remote_location.latitude remote_location.longitude
#types time string addr port addr port string string string enum enum string string addr addr port count string set[enum] interval string string string double double
1622568704.959658 Cl0TA53874aF7eiRL3 56740 9999 - - - tcp Facefish_Rootkit::FACEFISH_ROOTKIT_C2 Potential Facefish rootkit C2 detected. More info: 9999 - - Notice::ACTION_LOG 60.000000 - - - -
#close 2021-06-03-14-56-10

A Real World PCAP

If you visit JoeSandbox at the following link, you can download a PCAP of Facefish C2:

After opening this PCAP in Wireshark you can see the first key exchange message, just like our testing PCAP:

When we run this PCAP through Zeek, we see Facefish detected:

$ zeek -Cr dump-38fb322cc6d09a6ab85784ede56bc5a7.pcap spicy-analyzers
$ cat conn.log 
#separator \x09
#set_separator ,
#empty_field (empty)
#unset_field -
#path conn
#open 2021-06-03-14-53-30
#fields ts uid id.orig_h id.orig_p id.resp_h id.resp_p proto service duration orig_bytes resp_bytes conn_state local_orig local_resp missed_bytes history orig_pkts orig_ip_bytes resp_pkts resp_ip_bytes tunnel_parents
#types time string addr port addr port enum string interval count count string bool bool count string count count count count set[string]
1613702572.079957 CWc0UD3fGLX0c6bj89 43448 443 tcp - 3.002074 0 0 S0 - - 0 S 3 180 0 0 -
1613702572.190619 CCo5Jp4eSxYMobOp3i 43450 443 tcp - 3.003396 0 0 S0 - - 0 S 3 180 0 0 -
1613702579.089432 CbPIFh4Olo8i1G0KV2 43448 443 tcp - - - - S0 - - 0 S 1 60 0 0 -
1613702579.201449 CPyuMa4IZGRzzBEOvh 43450 443 tcp - - - - S0 - - 0 S 1 60 0 0 -
1613702587.104275 C7nx2B1vfFr2VroO59 43448 443 tcp - - - - S0 - - 0 S 1 60 0 0 -
1613702603.150049 CUcCUW2x5WZS1yWyci 43448 443 tcp - - - - S0 - - 0 S 1 60 0 0 -
1613702635.209441 ChmbMq44oJeZIR6tVf 43448 443 tcp - - - - S0 - - 0 S 1 60 0 0 -
1613702587.216303 Clfyzh4ifzsqqUzvqc 43450 443 tcp spicy_facefish_rootkit 29.625531 4304 32 S1 - - 0 ShADTad 19 5348 12 688 -
#close 2021-06-03-14-53-30
$ cat facefish_rootkit.log 
#separator \x09
#set_separator ,
#empty_field (empty)
#unset_field -
#path facefish_rootkit
#open 2021-06-03-14-53-30
#fields ts uid id.orig_h id.orig_p id.resp_h id.resp_p is_orig payload_len command crc32_payload
#types time string addr port addr port bool count string count
1613702587.313451 Clfyzh4ifzsqqUzvqc 43450 443 T 0 KeyEx1 0
1613702616.553325 Clfyzh4ifzsqqUzvqc 43450 443 F 24 KeyEx2 707025536
1613702616.557061 Clfyzh4ifzsqqUzvqc 43450 443 T 8 KeyEx3 2984358853
1613702616.746288 Clfyzh4ifzsqqUzvqc 43450 443 T 4272 Registration 2325026424
#close 2021-06-03-14-53-30
$ cat notice.log 
#separator \x09
#set_separator ,
#empty_field (empty)
#unset_field -
#path notice#open 2021-06-03-14-53-30
#fields ts uid id.orig_h id.orig_p id.resp_h id.resp_p fuid file_mime_type file_desc proto note msg sub src dst p n peer_descr actions suppress_for remote_location.country_code remote_location.region remote_location.latitude remote_location.longitude
#types time string addr port addr port string string string enum enum string string addr addr port count string set[enum] interval string string string double double
1613702587.313451 Clfyzh4ifzsqqUzvqc 43450 443 - - - tcp Facefish_Rootkit::FACEFISH_ROOTKIT_C2 Potential Facefish rootkit C2 detected. More info: 443 - - Notice::ACTION_LOG 60.000000 - - - -
#close 2021-06-03-14-53-30

This confirms that the logic we developed in this blog works on real world Facefish C2 traffic!


This blog walked you through the creation of a Spicy protocol analyzer that detects the C2 traffic from the Facefish Linux rootkit.  We first created a testing PCAP to code against and followed with a code walkthrough.  When detected, the analyzer logs the Facefish messages to a new log called “facefish_rootkit.log” while generating a new Notice.  We concluded by confirming that the logic works on a real world Facefish sample found at JoeSandbox.  While this blog discussed building a detector for Facefish specifically, a similar approach can be used for other malware communication protocols.  This code can be used as a template for additional Spicy malware C2 protocol analyzers in the future.

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